Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Pop-up questions

> Use ThingLink for attaching multimedia to images, click here.

> It may be used as pop questions in the classroom, where a student choose one of Mickey's Family and he or she will answer the multiplication quickly. 

Level: Grade 2

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Multiplication Tricks and Tips

It is a technique that has been found to be useful in mathematics in order to memorize the multiplication table without burning our brains. 

> Click here to have a look at the brochure to help you master some mathematical skills.
Click here to know more about it by watching the video.
Click here to view the worksheet that must be submitted to the students during the video. 

Level: Grade 2

Subtraction techniques

Lesson's Tittle:

Subtraction Techniques

> By using this poem in the form of mind map the students will be able to relate the subtraction operation to the color and part of the poem in order to gain better subtraction skills.

> To create your own simple mind map, you may use Mind Meister, to try it click here.

Level: Grade 2

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Axis of symmetry

> Zaption is an e-evaluation tool, where students may learn and be evaluated through a fun and interactive video. To try your own interactive video, click here.

> An example will be given for grade 1 students about the axis of symmetry.  

  • To view the lesson plan and drop quiz for this lesson, click here.
  • To view the book resource that I took the lesson from it, click here.

Level: Grade 1

Mickey Math Game

> Always when you want to evaluate your students' knowledge, you think about having a quiz or a test. Here is another way to evaluate your students using interactive game made on PowerPoint, that includes the following lessons : 
1- subtraction
2- addition
3- right & left 
3- above & below 
4- place value table
5- shapes. 

Level: Grade 1

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Subtratcion Word Problem

Lesson Title:

Subtraction Word Problem


1- Let the students observe the comic strip alone.
2- Let them try to explain what they see.
3- Ask them : "Who will help him to find how much did he eat?"
4- Ask them to write the operation so they can find the answer.


Either the comic strip found on their tablets, projected on the board or given on a paper to each student.

>  Use Pixton to create your own comic strip,click here.

Level: Grade 1

Diagnostic Math Test

> Instead of having a traditional written diagnostic test, especially for grade 1 students, you may do this test using survey monkey website. If you want to try your own survey, click here.

To see an example of a
 diagnostic math test survey, click here.

Level: Grade 1